Technology Stuff

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Switching Cell Phone Providers

I've been a customer of Cingular since the first time they were AT&T. I'm not particularly fond of the company, nor the service. What I do like is GSM and the cooler phones that are available for that platform. Well, in the US, if you want GSM, it's Cingular or Tmobile. I'd always been just satisfied enough with Cingular that I'd never bothered changing providers.

Well, that has now changed. It started a few weeks ago with a desire on my part to save some money and reduce a family plan with two lines down to just one line. I've also been doing more with SMS lately. Not so much to chat with friends, but more to use Google Calendar and Search. The one thing that I do like about Cingular is the number of retail stores in my area. I much prefer talking to someone face to face over sitting on hold with a call center.

Actually, I take that back, I would rather do these kinds of things online through the website, but I have just never had a good website experience with companies like Cingular, Qwest, or DirecTv when it comes to moves/adds/changes. So, long story short, I go into the Cingular store and am told that they cannot remove lines from a family plan. Yes, if I wanted to add a line, they can do it, but they cannot remove. Um... Okay, next question. I see a sign on the wall that says "Unlimited Text Messaging - $4.99". That sounds good to me, how about we add that? Well, turns out that Cingular has redefined the word "unlimited". In this particular context, it means unlimited messages to limited numbers. With my desire to use Google services, this doesn't help me. If I want true unlimited, it costs $19.99/month. Sorry, just too much money for me. I leave the store without making any changes, but determined to learn more about Tmobile.

Part 2, Coverage

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